Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mr Seddon

Year 6 

Mr Seddon, Mrs Reid and Mrs Begum


Below, you will find links to this term's English, Maths, Science, Learning Challenge and Homework activities.

You can also access lots of other information regarding our Year 6 routines.

The class email address is:

Please feel free to send me any work that you complete at home, or get in touch with any questions or queries throughout the year.

  English Maths Science Learning Challenge Homework
Autumn Term: English Autumn.jpg Maths Autumn.jpg Science Autumn.jpg LC Autumn.jpg Homework Autumn.jpg
Spring Term: English Spring.jpg Math Spring.jpg Science Spring.jpg LC Spring.jpg Homework Spring.jpg
Summer Term: English Summer.jpg Maths Summer.jpg Science Summer.jpg LC Summer.jpg Homework Summer.jpg



SATs 'Boot Camp'

Demo Video - Take a Tour of SATs Boot Camp

Each Y6 child now has a SATs Boot Camp login and password!

These are fantastic, accessible resources for both Maths and English to help remind and refresh all those key pieces of information! They would also be a wonderful way to 'pre-learn' inmportant skills before lessons!

This really is a wonderful resource - please make the most of it!

Thank you!



NSPCC Online Safety Guide for Parents

Many of our Y6 children have begun to explore the world of social media. In class, we look at the great benefits of using social media and also some of the things to look out for to ensure that we are staying safe online. We often discuss things that have happened online during our weekly circle time, when children bring concerns to talk about. At home, it's a great routine to get into to regularly give your child the space to talk about anything they have experienced online and to ensure that the parental controls that you have set are filtering out the content that you don't wish them to be exposed to. Please see the poster below, which details the age-restrictions that different platforms have for using their sites unsupervised:


Files to Download

Year 6: News items

There are no News items to display

Year 6: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Year 6: Gallery items

Our Wonderful Children, by Mr Locke

World Book Day - Key Stage 2 Entires, by Vine Tree Primary School

Reading Scrapbook, by Vine Tree Primary School

Year 6: Calendar items

There are no Calendar items to display