Pupil Premium and COVID Catch Up Premium

What is it?

The school receives Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to the main school budget. The Pupil Premium funding (currently £1345 per eligible child, per year) is allocated to pupils who are either currently eligible for free school meals or who have been eligible in the last 6 years*

What is it used for?

Pupil Premium funding is intended to address the historic underachievement of children from poorer backgrounds in this country. By giving schools additional money when they have families from poorer backgrounds, the Government is seeking to ‘close the gap’ in achievement, meaning that any student from any background should be able to achieve at a high level. The money is intended to support schools to ensure this happens for students in their care.

As a school we have an excellent track-record of ensuring that ALL of our pupils achieve above national expectations and our key stage 2 results show that there is no differential between achievements of pupils eligible for free school means and those who are not. This means that we have been successful in ensuring there is no ‘achievement gap’ for the students at Vine Tree.  

Pupil premium funding at Vine Tree is spent on a range of support and additional intervention which ensures that every child succeeds. 

As a school we understand that not all socially disadvantaged pupils will be eligible for free school meals, for example those without recourse to public funds, and we reserve the right to allocate pupil premium funding to those children we identify as socially disadvantaged.

How is the impact monitored?

Assessment procedures at Vine Tree are extremely robust and we are relentless in monitoring and evaluating the progress of all children. This is done in our ‘pupil progress’ meetings each half term, where we identify any child who is not on track or has not made adequate progress, and then put in place targeted support for them. Students eligible for pupil premium funding are identified through this process and support mapped on to the range of resources the school has to offer.

*Known as Ever 6


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