Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mr Holt

Welcome to Year 4

Mr Holt and Mrs Scott

Welcome Back!

Welcome to our class page.

Take a look at this page to find out what we will be learning about this term.  You will find lots of links and information that you can use to help you with some of the homework tasks, and links to websites where some tasks will be set.  I will keep the page updated with tasks, events and news throughout the term, so please check it regularly.

If you have any questions or concerns throughout the term, please contact me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please see the 'files' section for information about the upcoming Times Table Check.

Our Learning Challenges this half term...


Our class texts this half term are:


We will be exploring this book and working towards writing a first-person narrative.



Homework this year will be set each half term and will be linked to our class text.  Please see the homework grid with this half term's challenges which are due in during the final week before the half term break.

Spelling lessons will take place on a Monday, and a new spelling list will be sent home. Children will then have one week to complete the spelling task in preparation for a spelling test the following Monday.

Reading diaries will be checked every Friday and reading books can be changed by children throughout the week. Children should read at least 3 times per week for at least 10 minutes each time.  This can include reading on Get Epic, details on how to log in can be found below.

Mymaths activities will also be set each week, along with Maths Shed.  Children should also practice their Times Tables using Times Table Rock Stars.  There will be a weekly times table test in school and children will only progress once they have learnt their assigned times tables online.  Children have their own personal log ins for these and they are stuck inside their homework books. 

In summary weekly homework will consist of:

  • Homework linked to our Class text (to be completed during the half term) 
  • Weekly reading (3 times per week, can include reading from Get Epic)
  • Spelling practice (Spelling shed)
  • Weekly mymaths task - complete for house points
  • Times Table Rock Stars 
  • Maths practice - optional (Maths shed)

Get Epic

Enjoy some of the texts on Get Epic.  I have assigned some books to you that link to our Learning Challenge, and some of those will help you complete the homework tasks too.  I have also assigned some books linked to our learning in school this week. 


Unfortunately, since June 2020, Epic have changed the way that we can access the website, which makes it a little more restrictive than we are used to.  The two ways that can Epic can be used are listed below:

  1. During school with Epic School: From 7am to 4pm local time M-F, students can log in from anywhere using their class code and read for as long as they want between 7am to 4pm. Educators can access Epic School at any time or day. Epic School is always free for our educators
  2. After school with Epic Free: In addition to all the reading time that they get with Epic School, students can also read after-school or after 4pm local time, M-F, for free on Epic Free. Epic Free is also available for students to access at any time on the weekends. But unlike Epic School, there is a time duration limit! Students can read on Epic Free for up to 2 hours per week. Also, students will need their parents’ help to unlock Epic Free with a parent email. Parents only need to provide their email address once during sign-up. After that, students can freely access Epic Free using your class code.  They will transition between Epic School and Epic Free, depending on the time of day. 

This means that unfortunately, some of the books assigned to your Epic School account, may not be available on Epic Free.  However, all of the books assigned for the most recent homework tasks are available.  Click on the mailbox icon in the top right hand corner to find all of the assigned texts.


Our PE days are Monday and Thursday.  Please come to school in your PE kit on these days.  Uniform consists of black shorts/ tracksuit; a white t-shirt; Vine Tree PE hoody (optional) or black hoodie; and trainers. Please bring hair ties for long hair and tape to cover any earrings.

My Maths

Click on the link below to find your mymaths task. Use your personal log in which you will find inside your homework book.


Social Media

As part of our Computing work, we are talking about staying safe online.  The children talk about the types of internet use they make and which applications and websites they use. The following infographic gives important information about the age restrictions for safe internet use.  Please explore this with your family.


Reading Overview

The document below details the texts that we will be exploring as a part of our Whole Class Reading this year.  The texts are carefully chosen to explore specific reading skills, and link to learning in other areas of the curriculum.

Times Table Rock Stars

Use your personal log in, which is stuck inside your homework book, to access your personalised times tables.

Spelling Shed and Maths Shed

Use your personal EdShed login to access the Spelling Shed and Maths Shed assignments.


Bingo Books

Bingo Books is a collection of high-quality literature for you to share and explore with your child.  Similar to the game ‘bingo’, the aim is to get a full house before leaving Year 4!

Children will choose a new Bingo Book whenever they finish as some texts are longer than others.  They simply need to return the book, sign it in with me and choose a new book. Within the Bingo book selection, there is a range of novels, picture books, poetry books and non-fiction texts.  There are even some books that do not have any words.

We do ask that you treasure these books as they are on loan from our Education Library Service.  Please enjoy them and return in a good condition. If books are not returned (or are returned in a poor condition), I’m afraid we will have to ask for a contribution toward a replacement before a new book can be issued.


Over the course of the Autumn term, Y4 will be taught the MISP curriculum, which will give them skills to aid focus and concentration, emotional regulation, and cultivating happiness. This is a secular curriculum, which supports our teaching of PSHE. For more information, please visit the MISP website:



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Please visit the following website to find myHappymind resources for you to use and explore at home: 

Files to Download

Year 4: News items

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Year 4: Blog items

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Year 4: Gallery items

Our Wonderful Children, by Mr Locke

World Book Day - Key Stage 2 Entires, by Vine Tree Primary School

Year 4: Calendar items

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