Year 5 2024 - 2025

Miss Stockton


Miss Stockton and Mrs Reid 

Please see the below information regarding this half term and what exciting things Year 5 will be learning! If you need to contact me for any reason, please do so on our class email: 



Year 5 P.E. days:

Monday and Tuesday

Please make sure your child comes to school in FULL PE kit (T-shirt, shorts/joggers, sweatshirt/top and trainers). 

Please ensure that your child brings hair ties and can remove earrings themselves before a session. 


English Summer.jpg


This half term we are diving deep into the ocean with Jacques Couteau and his biographical novel 'Manfish' by Jennifer Berne.  We will write a school report for Jacques letting his parents know how he is getting on at schoo. We will then go on to write our own biography for Jacques Couteau, exploring his early life, is film career. his work as an inventor and his activism. 





Geography Learning Challenge:

What is 'Fairtrade' and why should it matter to us?

We will be looking at what Fairtrade is, how to identify a Fairtrade product and what it means for the people that grow raw products such as cocoa and coffee beans. As we explore these issues we will discuss how peoples' lives have been changed by consumers buying Fairtrade and how we can help. 

Explore Fairtrade more at home with the below resources.



Maths Summer.jpg

Maths: This term we will be focusing on Multiplcation, multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000, doubling and rounding, multiples, factors, square and cube numbers and developing efficient written methods to multiply and divide larger numbers.

Throughout the year children continue to practice and improve their times table knowledge through Daily Ten, Hit the Button and Times Table Rockstars. Children should be accessing Times Table Rockstars at least 10 minutes a day three times a week. 


Links to these sites are below: click the picture and challenge your child to a game! 


daily-ten.jpgThe Pinvin Federation of Schools - Maths Games

TT Rockstars! – Brinsworth Whitehill Primary School


Color Digital Art Print, Word Art Design, Digital Download, Pen and Ink and  Colored Pencil Doodle, Digital Download, Word Art, Zentangle - Etsy  Australia


This term children will be exploring installations and the work of Cai Guo-Qiang who works with the idea of creating art through explosions. They will be creating thier own small scale explosion art using stencils, paints and charcoals. Have a look at some of Cai Guo-Qiang's work below: 




Science Images - Free Download on Freepik


In science we will be investigating the movement of the planets in our solar system and how day and night occur. We will be visiting Jodrell Bank in January to have an immersive experience of our solar system. 


Homework Summer.jpg

Each Monday homework will be stuck in your childs book and taken home. This will include spelling/handwriting and an activity linked to that weeks maths work. There is also an optional creative homework which children can choose from the 'homework grid' stuck in the front of their books. 

Children are also expected to read at home three times a week as well as access Times Tables Rockstar three times a week for at least ten minutes. 


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